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Stop Press!

We're thrilled to confirm that our Ofsted report has been published - Outstanding in all areas!

Stop Press!

We are thrilled to confirm that we have been awarded the Inclusion Quality Mark. Go to our Inclusion page to read our report.

Stop Press!

We are thrilled to announce that we have been awarded the Quality Mark Gold for History following an assessment carried out by the Historical Association on 7th February 2023.

Barrow Hedges Primary School

Parent Teacher Friends Association (PTFA)

In this section...

The Barrow Hedges Parent Teacher Friends Association is a charity fundraising committee run by parents of children in the school and the staff.

All parents automatically become members of the PTFA when their child joins the school. Our Constitution can be found below. The social and fund raising events, organised by the energetic and successful PTFA Committee, continue to provide money for much needed facilities and resources for the children. Most activities are for the children to enjoy with several designed to be family events, with some that are aimed specifically at a solely parent audience.

The school is indebted to the work of the PTFA and all the parents who support our school. We would like to take this opportunity to say a huge thank you for such fantastic support!

Contact Us

Ashleigh Bickell - Vice Chair / Melissa Williams - Secretary  / Richard O'Brien and Payal Mishra - Treasurers

by email - or visit the School Office.

What do we do?

PTFA events take place throughout the year and include:

  • Summer Fete
  • Discos
  • Quiz Nights
  • Elf Day (fun activities and Christmas shopping)
  • Coffee Mornings

Through such events, we have raised tens of thousands of pounds in the last few years. These funds have enabled the school to provide extra, valuable resources for the children to use. We have also provided funds for playground equipment, our stage, large displays of Building Learning Power Heroes and many, many other items.

How can you help?

The success of the PTFA depends entirely on the support of all parents, staff and the community. We greatly appreciate any assistance. This can be anything from a little time spent helping out in the background, to coming along to the functions with friends and family or by joining the PTFA committee.

Share your fund raising ideas with us, we are always open to new ideas and welcome any suggestions from an idea for a stall at the fete to a suggestion for a whole event.

Donations play a very big role in our fundraising efforts. We are not just talking about the very important pound for own-clothes/mufti day, but prize donations for raffles and competitions, as well as time for wrapping the lucky dip items or tombola.

Maybe you work for a company who discards goods when they can’t be sold or would negotiate a great price for items we can sell or put in our lucky dips?

If you shop online there’s now a simple, easy and free way for you to support Barrow Hedges PTFA. Best of all you can even save money! We’ve teamed up with The Giving Machine who provide a shopping directory listing some of your favourite online stores. A reminder please to use this fantastic site when you spend online to raise money for Barrow Hedges, at no cost to you. It is a website with links to all the best-known shopping sites: Amazon, M&S, Argos, John Lewis and hundreds of others including supermarkets such as Tesco and Sainsbury’s (and even eBay). Just register at: